Thursday, 5th October 2023
14.15 h | Professor Dr. Peter Hoeres (Würzburg): Welcome Address and Introduction |
14.30 h | Dr. Lasse B. Lassen, Holger Kohler (Würzburg) |
„Iberian Transitions. Coming to Terms with Dictatorial Pasts in European Democratic Societies. | |
Spain and Portugal within the European and Latin American Context.“ | |
16.15 h | Dr. Nina Schneider (Duisburg-Essen) |
„The Brazilian Truth Comission (2012-2014): Local, National and Global Perspectives." | |
17.00 h | Dr. Ulrike Capdepón (Guadalajara) |
„Dealing with Francoist Crimes in Spain between local Demands and Transnational Processes: | |
From the Argentine Lawsuit to the Law of democratic Memory." | |
18.15 h | Keynote: Professor Dr. Walther L. Bernecker (Erlangen-Nuremberg) |
„Historical Consciousness and Coping with the Past: Spain's Embattled Cultures of Memory.“ |
Friday, 6th October 2023
9.00 h | Professor Dr. Detlef Nolte (Hamburg) |
„The Legacy of the Pinochet Dictatorship: the Constitution of 1980.“ | |
9.45 h | Joe David Green (Chemnitz) |
„Between Revolution and Discretion – Coping with the Memorial-Political Legacy of the | |
Estado Novo in Lisbon's Urban Spaces after 1974." | |
11.00 h | Professor Dr. Ludger Mees (Bilbao) |
„The Last Relic of Francoism? A Genealogy of Political Violence in the Basque Country | |
between Dictatorship and Democracy (1959-2023).“ | |
11.45 h | Dr. Antonio Muñoz Sánchez (Lisbon) |
„When Realpolitik and International Solidarity Became One: The SPD and the Building of Democracy | |
in Portugal and Spain.“ | |
12.30 h | Dr. Lasse B. Lassen (Würzburg): Concluding Remarks |
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